Wednesday, December 16, 2015

When is Dental Bonding Used?

Bonding is a fast, non-invasive procedure used for aesthetic and restorative purposes. As its name suggests, bonding essentially involves adhesion of a composite material to teeth. Here is a look at situations in which our cosmetic dentist in West Hollywood may recommend bonding.

Cosmetic Uses for Bonding

When teeth have stains or mild structural damage, our dentist may apply bonding to hide the flawed areas. Teeth that are too short or otherwise misshapen can be altered with bonding. Finally, excessive space between teeth can be closed with bonding.

Restorative Uses for Bonding

Bonding material can be used instead of mercury amalgam to fill cavities or other damage, preserving natural appearance as a result. Teeth that are chipped or cracked can be repaired with bonding to guard against infection and further breakage. If tooth roots are exposed, causing sensitivity, those roots can be covered with bonding.

Bonding begins with cleaning of the teeth to be treated. After roughening target areas, our dentist applies the composite material and sculpts it to match the surrounding tooth shape. Finally, our expert in dental bonding in West Hollywood uses a light to harden the material and polishes it smooth. Most patients need little or no anesthesia during this fast and simple procedure.

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