Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Can Veneers Cause TMJ?

Veneers that are placed correctly will not cause TMJ, but improper placement could potentially strain the jaws and result in the condition. On the other hand, veneers can be used to address the imbalanced bite that sometimes causes TMJ and the cosmetic issues that often result. Here is more about how veneers interact with TMJ.

TMJ Causes or Treatments

Veneers should be positioned so as not to interfere with normal closing of the mouth. If veneers cause front teeth to extend too far, they could strain the jaws when patients speak or chew. However, veneers can also be used strategically to balance a bite that has contributed to TMJ because of such irregularities.

Cosmetic Issues, TMJ and Veneers

Many patients with TMJ have an imbalanced bite, including teeth that do not meet as they should. Over time, the force between improperly positioned teeth can cause unsightly cracks, chips and uneven wear. Veneers can be used to hide all of these flaws.

Veneers can contribute to or help treat TMJ depending on the skill of the dentist placing them. To ensure a great-looking and comfortable smile, patients should choose their cosmetic dentist carefully. At a consultation, our expert in porcelain veneers in Los Angeles can tell patients whether veneers will help their TMJ.

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