Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Pros and Cons of Dentures

If you are missing teeth or will soon be having your remaining teeth extracted, our Los Angeles dentist may recommend dentures. Dentures are a special type of restoration that can replace all of the teeth in one or both jaws. They allow you to eat again and smile confidently without any unwanted gaps.


Having a beautiful smile again is one of the biggest pros of dentures. We use natural-looking materials to design a smile that looks just like or even better than your natural smile. Dentures can replace many teeth at once, and they can be easy to use without the need for multiple appointments spaced over several weeks or months. In fact, we can often have your new dentures ready to wear in just two or three appointments.


Dentures will need periodic adjustments as your gums and jawbone change over time. You can minimize this by choosing implant-supported dentures, which are attached to a series of dental implants, which act as roots for your new teeth. Implants also stabilize dentures so that they work and feel just like your own teeth.

Call us today to find out more or to schedule an appointment with our expert in dentures in Los Angeles.

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