Monday, November 23, 2015

Different Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants are considered the most effective replacement option for a missing tooth or teeth. There are a few different kinds of dental implants currently available.

The first type of dental implant is the two-stage dental implant known as endosteal implants. The procedure to place this kind of implant requires the dentist to slice open the gums above the missing tooth. A hole is then drilled into the jawbone and the endosteal implant post is placed inside it. The gum is then placed over the implant and within a few months, your bone will have fully fused with the implant. Once healed, a second surgery is required. Our dentist in Noho will reopen the gum to expose the implant and attach the abutment to it. After letting it heal for up to a couple of weeks, the dentist will then fit the patient with a crown.

Another type of dental implant is the one-stage dental implant known as subperiosteal implants. These implants are placed using only one surgery. Another surgery is not required to place the abutments onto the implants, as subperiosteal implants already have the abutment attached to the post of the implant.

Mini implants are another form of dental implants. They are smaller than traditional implants, but are strong enough to be able to be used in many of the same scenarios. They do not require as invasive of a surgery and can be placed by our dental implant dentist in North Hollywood with less bone support than is need for traditional implants.

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