Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Age Range for Invisalign Teen

When the Invisalign orthodontic system debuted a little over 20 years ago, it was immediately popular with adults who did not wear braces when they were younger and did not want unsightly wire braces as adults.

Unfortunately, another group was unhappily not a part of this new treatment. Teenagers, who are still often the first image that comes to mind at the word braces, were not good candidates for Invisalign. The reason for the exclusion was two-fold. Invisalign alignment trays did not allow for jaw growth or tooth eruption. Many parents did not believe their teens would maintain the strict protocol necessary for Invisalign success and felt concern about lost or damaged alignment trays.

Invisalign creators responded to the numerous requests from teens and parents for a suitable alignment system for teenagers. The company's newest product, called Invisalign Teen, was the product that dentists and teens hoped would arrive.

The Invisalign Teen alignment system worked the same way the traditional Invisalign alignment system worked. A series of transparent plastic aligners, worn over the teeth, guided the misaligned teeth into their best position. The product offered the same benefits as traditional Invisalign. It was discreet, removable, and the treatment generally took a year to 18 months. The new system works best with patients in their mid to late teen years.

Invisalign Teen developers made a few critical changes to adapt the alignment trays for teens.

*Designers eliminated the problem of allowing space for growing jaw bones and erupting molars by giving the alignment trays tabs to make extra space for growth or new teeth.

*Creators used a clever tactic to relieve dentist and parent compliance concerns. Each set of aligners came with an inconspicuous blue dot. Gradually, the dot would wear off over time. If the patient wore the aligners according to directions, the dot would not be present when the time came to change aligners.

* To save teens and parents stress, Invisalign Teen offers a replacement aligner if one is broken or lost.

If your teen needs orthodontic treatment and would like to learn more about Invisalign Teen, feel free to contact our office to set up an appointment for a no-obligation consultation with one of our dentists.

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