Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How is Periodontal Disease Treated?

It is an unfortunate fact that many of our patients have some form of periodontal disease and do not know it. Because the disease has few distinguishing symptoms and builds slowly over time, an experienced periodontist must diagnose and treat the problem to prevent tooth loss.

Our periodontist in San Francisco is one of the group of dentists who focus on treating and preventing dental problems affecting the supporting structures of the teeth.

Gum disease ranges from minor plaque build-up to gingivitis to full-blown periodontitis. For this reason, the treatments for periodontal disease vary according to the severity of the condition.

Although individual circumstances are unique, the general guidelines for treating the levels of periodontal disease are as follows.

• In its earliest stages, a thorough professional cleaning is an effective treatment for gum disease. It is important for you to continue to maintain good oral hygiene including brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups.

• For patients with gingivitis, the plaque has hardened below the gumline and formed tartar. A dental professional will perform what is known as scaling and root planning to remove the hard substance. This involves using special instruments to slide below your gum line to remove the tartar. Fortunately, this is a highly successful procedure. In the majority of cases, the tooth roots and gums reattach once there are no impediments.

• Periodontitis has different stages; all require significant intervention if the tooth, or teeth, are to be saved.

ü Early stage periodontitis often responds well to gum flap surgery. This procedure involves the dentist pulling back the gums and cleaning away the built-up tartar and plaque.

ü Advance cases of periodontitis often require bone surgery or bone grafts. Bone surgery often takes place following gum flap surgery. Before reattaching the gum, the dentist reshapes the bone to remove pits or crevasses where bacteria collect. Bone grafts involve the dentist attaching pieces of healthy jaw bone to the afflicted area of the jaw. The goal is to encourage new healthy bone growth.

Gum health is critical to overall good dental health. If you would like to learn more, please contact our office. 

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