Thursday, December 8, 2016

Purpose of Sinus Lift

Eligibility for dental implants often comes down to bone density. If the patient has suffered a high degree of bone loss due to missing teeth, periodontal disease, or a degenerative condition, an exception may need to be made. Sinus lift, a form of bone graft, provides that exception.

Your sinuses are located on either side of your nose, like long rooms. The floor of these rooms, called the sinus membrane, needs to be lifted before the bone graft can be completed. The bone is inserted in the space between the raised, or lifted, sinus floor and the upper jaw.

There are three types of bone used in bone grafts. Autogenous bone is taken from elsewhere in your body. Allogeneic bone is taken from a human cadaver. Xenogenous bone is taken from another organism, typically a cow.

If you receive a sinus lift at our North Hollywood dental office, it will precede your dental implant surgery by 4 to 9 months. This allows the graft to merge successfully with existing bone structure, a process called osseointegration.

Our expert in sinus lift in North Hollywood advises you that a sinus lift procedure involves some discomfort, and rigorous aftercare.  Technology exists by which sinus lift and dental implant can be combined in one procedure, but the model is still being studied. 

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