Thursday, June 9, 2016

Candidates for Full Mouth Implants

Are you suffering from complete tooth loss? Do you wear dentures? Are you tired of all the hassles that come from wearing them? If you answered yes to these questions, you may be a candidate for full mouth dental implants.

Full mouth implants do not mean that an implant is placed in every tooth location. Rather, all that is needed for full mouth implants is four implants on each arch. It involves placing the four implants in strategic locations around the arch. The locations chosen are dependent on where there is enough bone available to support the implant. Once the implant sites are healed, they can then provide a solid, secure foundation onto which removable dentures can be attached. While the dentures are snapped in place, they are held securely in place by the implants.

With removable dentures secured by implants, you, as a denture wearer, can regain the freedoms of your youth. Speak normally. Laugh at a good joke. Eat whatever you want. Forget about worrying that your dentures will move or fall out. Snapped onto the implants, they are not going anywhere!

Not everyone is a candidate for full mouth implants. You must have enough bone available to support four implants on each arch. Treatments are available that may help those with lower bone density to qualify. If you wear dentures, contact our dental implant doctor in Beverly Hills to find out if full mouth dental implants are right for you.

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