Monday, November 26, 2018

Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

Our dental office treats scores of patients who are missing one or more teeth. Aside from being unsightly, missing teeth eventually lead to bone loss and a change in your facial structure. Dental implants can stop bone loss and give you back your smile. The American Dental Association feels implants are one of the most important advances in recent dentistry.

When you lose a tooth, you no longer have a root to contact the nerves in your jaw. Because there is no contact, your brain believes this area is unnecessary and stops sending nutrients to that part of your jaw. This is when bone loss begins. After enough bone is gone, your face will start sagging and then appear sunken.

The process involved in dental implants requires between three and six months. This is because after our dentist places a titanium screw in your socket, the area must heal and the screw must fuse to the bone before the cap placement occurs.

Dental implants can stop and reverse bone loss. When the screw used as the implant base stimulates the nerve endings in your jaw, your brain begins to send nutrients to the area once again. This allows the bone to grow back improving your overall dental health and your appearance.

Dental implants also greatly improve your ability to bite and chew foods. At one time, you may have avoided healthy, but difficult to chew foods like fresh fruit and raw vegetables. By opting for softer and less nutritious foods, you robbed your body of essential vitamins and minerals. With dental implants, you can eat whatever you like.

Only our dentist can help you decide if dental implants are for you. Consulting with our dental implant dentist in Torrance can help you learn all of the details involved in your dental implant care plan. Please contact our office to make an appointment to talk with our dentist about getting dental implants.