Friday, February 27, 2015

Getting a Whiter Smile

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dental treatment available because it is so convenient and effective. A lot of products have tried to jump on the bandwagon and will make crazy promises about how your teeth can be perfect by applying these over-the-counter strips and gels. But these products often take weeks or even months to show any results, and sometimes the results are hardly noticeable. The only way to ensure a gorgeous smile in a minimal amount of time is to seek treatment from our expert in teeth whitening in West Hollywood.

In less than an hour, your teeth can be up to eight shades brighter. This is because our cosmetic dentist in West Hollywood applies a powerful bleaching formula directly to your teeth while applying a protective coating around your gums and lips so that they are not affected by the treatment. An activating light will then be shone on your teeth. This process will be repeated in 15-minute increments until the desired results are achieved.

Our dentist will give you instructions on how to maintain your new bright smile for as long as possible. Teeth whitening is not a permanent solution to a whiter smile, but if the proper steps are taken, you can enjoy your new smile for quite a while.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Treatment Options for Gum Disease

Treatment Options for Gum Disease
About four out of five American adults are affected by gum disease. It can range from mild to severe, and once it has advanced to periodontitis, it can lead to reduced attachment between the tooth and jawbone, bone loss, and ultimately tooth loss. Dr. Abaian, our dentist in Sherman Oaks, and Dr. Hanookai offer periodontal treatments to restore gum health and reduce the risk of further damage.

Non-surgical periodontal treatments include:

•    Scaling and root planing
•    Laser gum treatments
•    Periodontal maintenance

In some cases, surgical treatment may be needed. Surgical treatment is not necessarily a first-line treatment option, but it may be necessary for patients who have suffered extensive tissue loss. Surgical periodontal treatments include:

Gum disease that is identified and treated promptly may be reversed. If you have bleeding while brushing or flossing, your gums seem to be receding or your teeth look longer, you notice sores in your mouth, you have a change in bite or your gums seem to be red, swollen, or tender, you need to have a complete periodontal evaluation. Dr. Hanookai or Dr. Abaian can evaluate your periodontal health and determine the best way to proceed to stop the spread of the infection. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your appointment with Dr. Abaian or Dr. Hanookai, our expert in gum disease treatment in Sherman Oaks.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

High Blood Pressure and Sleep Apnea

High Blood Pressure and Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea should be considered a serious medical condition that requires prompt and effective treatment. Many people tend to focus on the short-term effects of the condition that include headaches, sore throat, and sleepiness throughout the day. However, if the condition is not treated, it can quickly lead to more serious health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Suffering from severe sleep apnea, which is when a person stops breathing hundreds of times a night, can quickly lead to bodily harm, including high blood pressure.

When a person consistently stops breathing throughout the night, they experience sudden drops in blood oxygen levels, and these drops put a strain on the cardiovascular system. The greater the severity of your sleep apnea, the more at risk you are of having high blood pressure. This can be especially dangerous if you also suffer from heart disease. Heart disease combined with episodes of low blood oxygen can ultimately result in sudden death as a result of cardiac arrest. Sleep apnea should never be taken lightly, and if you or a loved one suffers from the condition, you should see a doctor right away. Once a test has been performed, we will be able to recommend the best treatment for your needs.